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My Story


I have played sport and in particular golf to a high level all my life, which, along with the stresses and strains of everyday living over the years have taken their toll! Although I thought I was looking after myself by keeping ‘fit and healthy’ I found that I was suffering more and more from injury resulting in many visits to all sorts of different practitioners all promising to ‘put me right’ and nothing really seemed to work.

A good friend recommended that I try Tai Chi to balance and realign my body. Luck would have it that I found a class taken by Brian and David Saxton, who between them have a wealth of knowledge and many years’ experience in Tai Chi, Qigong and Exercises for Life (please see links to their websites below). They opened my mind to a whole new way of thinking about what it meant to be ‘fit and healthy’ - teaching me the slow, gentle movements that open, soften and release, unravelling old stress patterns, enhancing awareness, and initiating deep healing - balancing my mind, body and spirit.  I tried it, I loved it and it has changed my world.

It has helped me so much that I wanted to share its techniques to assist others to gain its benefits. Brian and David have been instrumental in helping me to achieve this giving me the expert tuition and allowing me to assist in their lessons to gain vital knowledge and experience.  Let me help you to experience the wonders of Tai Chi, Qigong and Exercises for Life and help you to start on your own journey for health and vitality. 

Clouds in Sky

When I let go of what I am, I become what I might be

Lao Tzu

Website links

Brian Saxton - Energy Works (

David Saxton - The Tai Chi Effect  (

Contact Jo

If you'd like to enjoy the health benefits of Tai Chi, Qigong and Exercises for Life, or if you have any questions do please get in touch.

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